#1 Tip on How to Save Money

Ask DR. Gertrude 1st Episode

What is the #1 Tip that Helps me Save Money?

Hopefully, you watched the wonderful video above. It shares my number #1 tip that helps me save money. I love being silly, I like it a lot (insert Forrest Gump voice). It makes life a little more enjoyable. Saving money can be such an arduous task. Thus, it seems completely natural to make finances, a seemingly inevitable snooze fest, more fun. As a result, I present to you Dr. Gertrude.

Attitude is Everything

In all seriousness, I actually really love the answer to this question. There are many things I do and things I try to do, to save money but it all really boils down to attitude. Dave Ramsey has said many times, “Winning with money is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge.” When we are intentional about our purchases, we distinguish between needs and wants. It’s hard a thing to master because sometimes we want something so much, that it might seem like a “need”. The key to mastering this skill of discerning between “needs” and “wants”, is to be content with what you have. When you’re not constantly wanting the next new thing, you can be more grounded in your decision making.

“Winning with money is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge.”

Here is my challenge to you, take inventory of all the things for which you are grateful. You may realize, you need a lot less than you think. Mic Drop… Just kidding!

Some Practical Ways to Save Money

Were you looking for some more practical, hands on ways to save money?Don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging! Attitude is really paramount to getting out of debt or achieving any goal but it’s always helpful to have some pragmatic or hands on type of advice. Here are some links to some of my posts that will give you some great tips!

How to Become a Budget Boss

Meal Planning 101

Real life Food Budgets in 2020

5 tips to save money grocery shopping

How to Keep Momentum Going with Budgeting!

16 Things to Stop buying and save money

Products I love!

This page contains affiliate links. This means that if you click a link and buy one of the products on this page, I may receive a commission (at no extra cost to you!) This really helps me keep creating content! This doesn’t effect my opinions or my reviews. Everything I do is to benefit you as the reader, so all of my reviews are as honest and unbiased as possible.

(4) Comments

  1. Jack Cottrell says:

    Dr. Gertrude is my favorite thing today!

    1. Ashleydwatt says:

      Thanks Jack! I’m glad Dr. Gertrude could provide some entertainment for you today!! Thanks for commenting- it makes me feel cool!

  2. Wasteful and wanting says:

    Where do you all that salt?

    1. Ashleydwatt says:

      Thank you for the question… stay tuned!

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