Top 26 Kid Snacks for Summer

Summer Snacks: Watermelon

School is out and if you have kiddos, they are home and hungry. Perhaps, it’s all the outside time and playing that makes my kids want to hover around the kitchen constantly. I’m not exactly sure what the cause is but I know one thing… my kids want to eat so much more during the summer. I’m going to Share my top 26 Summer Snacks for Kids and they are really for parents too!

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Finding Balance

So, how do I balance sticking to our tight budget and ensuring my kiddos are not feeling super restricted in what they eat? I make a lot of their snacks from scratch and only buy pre-made stuff, if they are on sale (a really, really good deal). Pre-packaged snacks from the store can be so expensive. Thus, I have to be really intentional so I’m not over spending in the snack department.

Top 26 Summertime Snacks for Kids

1. Fresh Fruit

This is probably a no-brainer for most of you but fresh fruit is such an easy snack for your kiddos. A funny thing with kids though, is that most kids like the fruit to be cut up. Yes, even teenagers! So, occasionally, I’ll use my apple peeler and make “Slinky” apples or I will slice some peaches.

Another perk that comes with cut up fruit, is that it can be very budget friendly, depending on the fruit. For example, when I cut the fruit it looks like there is more and there isn’t as much waste. There have been so many times I give a kid a whole nectarine for a snack and they eat half and before I can stop them, their half eaten nectarine is in the trash. Major ugh!

2. Apples/ Celery & Peanut Butter

I love this snack. Actually, I love it so much that I will eat it for breakfast sometimes. It’s great to get a little protein with your fruit. 

3. Tomatoes/ cucumbers & Cottage cheese:

This is won’t be popular among some of the picky-er toddlers but it’s so yummy. Just add a little salt, pepper, or seasoned salt and it’s so good! Blueberries can be pretty yummy with cottage cheese as well.

4. Pizza Bites:

Thank you Ritz crackers for inspiring my children to try one of your ideas on the box! We usually have pizza weekly and there is typically left over sauce, cheese and pepperoni. Take the cracker, spread the sauce, add the pepperoni and then sprinkle with cheese and Italian seasoning. My kids love them!

5. Grapes and Cheese

I don’t think I need to explain how delicious these two things are together… but I if I do, here we go. IT IS THE BEST! Add some Wheat thins and it’s such a great snack. 

6. Hummus

Hummus is so versatile. You can pair it with vegetables (baby Carrots, peppers, etc…), pretzels, pita chips or a warm flour tortilla. My kids love that last idea! Hummus can be expensive so wait for the sale price, if you’re on a tight budget!

7. Homemade muffins

We make homemade muffins as snacks and lunch during the school year but it continues through the summer. You can gage how much sugar you use and also control what ingredients you put into the muffins. 

8. Homemade Banana Bread

I buy a lot of bananas and so I usually have some that are overly ripe and I will either freeze those for a smoothie or make banana bread or muffins. Check out my delicious banana bread recipe!

Oatmeal Cookies

9. Oatmeal Cookies

Making delicious oatmeal cookies is a great snack for kids. Sometimes, a granola bar from the store can have just as much sugar, if not more. Along with that perk, you can use half whole wheat flour and add some more health benefits that way. Also, when I make the cookies, there aren’t any weird additives that I can’t pronounce. Here is a Healthier Oatmeal Cookie recipe!

10. Toast

Toast is such an easy snack! Typically, your kiddos can handle this one all on their own which is a major plus in my book. They can add jam, avocados (that’s mama’s choice!), peanut butter, or a little cinnamon and sugar!

11. Meat, cheese and crackers 

Create your own Lunchable for the fraction of the cost! If my kids eat this as a snack, it’s a on smaller scale. I have to remind my kiddos that a snack is not a meal. Sometimes, they forget…and make themselves a hotdog for a snack and I sit there confused but roll with it. Because, yay, they prepared it themselves!

12. Yogurt with honey

My Husband has been making yogurt for us lately. It’s so delicious and so much cheaper! The process isn’t even that difficult. We have a few dairy-free folks in our family and so we don’t but almond yogurt very often because it is pricey. However, my husband is cool and makes amazing almond yogurt as well. Fresh Strawberries or peaches or any fresh fruit for that matter, is delicious in yogurt!

13. Applesauce 

If you want easy and refreshing, apple sauce is the snack for you! If you make your own apple sauce, you are cool. I don’t make my own but maybe one day I will attempt it. I just buy it on sale or at a good price. If you like the apples sauce pouches but don’t like the price, Amazon has great reusable pouches you can buy. I’ll freeze them for my kids lunches at school or if we are on the go! Click the link above our the picture below to purchase!

14. Veggies with Dip

Whenever I serve a dip with veggies, my kids eat them so much better! So, prepare some veggies and a little Ranch and bam done! I make a lot of my own dressings that are delicious, like my Creamy Tomatillo Dressing! Still, I try to keep a big bottle of Ranch on hand for convenience.

15. Leftovers

Snacks are great time to suggest leftovers to your kiddos! My kids love eating a left over pancake or waffle as a snack.

16. Nuts

Not all my kids enjoy nuts but a few of them love them. Cashews and almonds are the preferred nut around our house. If I pair them with dried cranberries, raisins and of course chocolate chips, they become an instant hit.

17. Boiled eggs

Eggs provide protein and often times if you give your kiddo protein, they won’t be hungry 15 minutes later. So, if your family likes eggs, this can be a great healthy snack.

18. Smoothies

This snack is great for summer! My daughter loves to make them, which is great because sometimes I’m too lazy to. Smoothies are great for snacks for summer time! Here are a few recipes!

19. Buffalo Tuna with Tortilla Chips 

I love those flavored tuna pouches at the store but they aren’t the most economical. Hence, in “poor doctor’s wife” fashion, I take canned tuna and add salt, pepper and Louisiana hot sauce. Here is my funny post on that!

20. Pickles 

Yes, I agree pickles aren’t the fanciest of snacks but a nice cold pickle on a hot day… sounds good to me! I’m not one to walk around gnawing on a pickle but my kids really like them.

21. Peanut-butter Cereal treats

Rice Crispy Treats are so yummy! I love them so much. Every now and then I’ll make them and add peanut butter. This definitely could be considered a dessert but sometimes it’s fun to have a little treat and some pre-packaged granola bars have just as much sugar anyway! (Look at me justifying my choices!) This Recipe only uses Peanut butter and honey! I use a great Rice Crispy Recipe that uses coconut oil, find it here!

22. Popcorn 

Alright, I love making air popped popcorn. Drizzle a little Butter, coconut oil or olive oil and then add salt and you have a delicious, budget friendly snack! Another great way to eat popcorn is to add some Italian flare, simply add oregano and Basil to the olive oil and salt, BAM, yummy!

23. Chips, Veggie Straws, Pretzels

Sometimes, you have to go with what’s easier and that’s why I like to buy chips, crackers, or pretzels. I just make sure they are on sale.

24. Parfaits 

I could totally eat parfaits for breakfast, lunch and dinner! They are so delicious and refreshing! The Homemade granola kicks it up a notch, you can find the homemade granola recipe here! If you don’t want to make granola or don’t have any I’ve also substituted Rice Krispies or Cocoa Krispies Cereal and the extra crunch is fun!

25. Peanut-butter and jelly tortilla roll

Tortillas aren’t as filling as bread and so I will occasionally spread peanut butter and jam on a tortilla and then roll in up like a jelly roll. It’s a different spin on your traditional PB&J!

26. Canned peaches

Sometimes, when we are low on fresh fruit, I’ll pull out my huge can of peaches from Sams Club. Due to the fact that I have 6 kids, getting the 6 pound can of fruit is the only way to go. I’ll serve up some yogurt and top it off with canned peaches and a delicious snack is served.

Products I love!

Speaking of Summer, there is one product that is great for summer when your kiddos are home. This product is actually great all year round but it definitely helps when everyone is home all day.

I’ve got cups, they’re multiplyin’ and I’m loosin’ control!

Adapted from the Musical Grease

I hope you all sang the phrase above to the melody, “I’ve got Chills” from the musical Grease! Seriously though, cups can just multiply like bunnies, am I right? Never Fear, I have found the best product on Amazon to alleviate such stress! The Cup Bands are easy for the kids to put on and remove and each kid has their own color. If you have a cup problem, buy them and see the magic! Click the image of click here to order!

This page contains affiliate links. This means that if you click a link and buy one of the products on this page, I may receive a commission (at no extra cost to you!) This really helps me keep creating content! This doesn’t effect my opinions or my reviews. Everything I do is to benefit you as the reader, so all of my reviews are as honest and unbiased as possible.

This post is dedicated to my awesome friend Heather! She wanted a list of snack ideas! I hope this helps!

(1) Comment

  1. […] to make! They are great for a grab and go breakfast and snacks. Check out my post where I share my top snacks for my kiddos during the summer when all my kiddos are home. Honestly, the snacks I listed in my […]

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