Sick of yelling for your kids?

Years ago, I bought a megaphone to help corral children for a church Primary activity (children’s Sunday school) that was held at a nearby park. There were about, 25-30 kids in attendance at this activity. I didn’t want to yell over all the excitement the whole time, so I jumped on amazon and “got me” a top-notch megaphone! Amazingly, it worked wonders at the activity and I’ve used it for many other events.

When did this all Start?

I can’t remember when exactly but I imagine I was getting frustrated because my kids weren’t coming to help with dinner. I called for them a few times, you know, the usual 557 times. As I was about to go find them, I remembered my awesome megaphone. I picked up that “bad boy” and I could feel the energy and power surging through my finger tips. I knew I was about to unleash something magical. Then, I asked them to report to the kitchen in a cordial manner and like magic, they came running!

Stop Yelling and Feel Less Annoyed!

Using a megaphone, is one of my favorite “parenting hacks” and it always makes my friends crack up. It’s simple but effective. I have six kids and sometimes it’s hard getting them to all gather together but this really works. It also makes me laugh whenever I use it. Thus, it is also a mood-lifter! Who knew that megaphones were so multifunctional?

Use This Power Wisely

Just remember, you can’t use it too often or the megaphone will become like your normal voice and your children will likely tune that out as well. You’ll know when to use it. Trust your gut and let the megaphone be your guide.

I try to take all the emotion out of my voice when I call for them.

The Poor Doctor’s Wife

Another Tip when we Experience Frustration as Parents

Sometimes, as parents we experience frustration. The kind of frustration that makes us feel like Mt. Vesuvius is ready and active inside of us and about to erupt. Fortunately, I have Another trick up my sleeve is, I try to take all of the emotion out of my voice when I call for them. Kids can sense the “Shark Music” (from book “No Drama Discipline” written by Daniel J. Siegel). When Humans sense impending doom, it’s a common reaction to fight or take flight, even if that impending doom is their mom. So, as hard as it may be, be neutral and try to make that volcano inside of you dormant while calling for your kids. They will hopefully come to you more readily when you ask them in a calm way.

The Book “No Drama Discipline” will Change your Life

I didn’t arrive on this nugget of wisdom alone. The Book “No Drama Discipline” really inspired me! I took the teaching from that book and applied it to many aspects of my parenting. I need all the help I can get!

Of course, there will be times when patience is thin and remaining calm just doesn’t happen. Be open and honest with your kiddos and apologize afterward. Show them you are a fallible human being that makes mistakes and can in turn, make things right again. I just know from experience, that when I’m not as reactive and take the drama out of it all, things tend to work out a little better.

This book will change how you parent, I highly recommend it! Buy it here!

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